Curation Nation

Young Anat

I’ve always had my head in a book (that’s me in the photo). And then as an adult, I swallowed books whole (I’d read 1 a day on vacation) and devour newspapers (I had 4 a day delivered: WSJ, NYT, LA Times and USA Today). I was an information junkie. And then of course I gave up on reading the physical books and newspapers and now I consume everything online. I’m a human sponge. And being the sharing person that I am, I no longer send clippings or books in the mail but I post interesting articles to my social networks.

At a speech in Palm Beach last week, I was asked how I kept up on the information deluge. And I explained that it’s not about too much information, it’s about how you filter it.

What works for me are email newsletters on topics I’m interested in. I can read the headlines and click to the articles when I have time. And someone else has trolled the web for me.

Here are my current favorites. Please share yours in the comments.

  • Technology/Science: Kurzweil Accelerating Intelligence newsletter major science and technology breakthroughs (daily or weekly) via e-mail.
  • Technology/Ideas/Culture: Next Draft is curated by news junkie Dave Fell and gives you his top 10 stories of the day.
  • Media/Tech/Pop Culture: Awesome MediaREDEF feed covering media, entertainment and technology. Curated by Jason Hirschhorn.
  • Technology: Launch Ticker is a daily compilation of tech news with commentary from Jason Calacanis.