You Can’t Handle the Truth

Anat Baron

I’ve recently embarked on a new adventure – as a professional speaker. If you know me, you know that I love to talk and I have an opinion about everything. And my eclectic career path has taught me many lessons. Mostly in the “what not to do” realm.

I made my first two speeches in the space of a week. The first here in Los Angeles to a large corporation, and the other to an international association in Qatar (please don’t ask me to pronounce it).

When hired they both told me that they want me to shake things up, you know, be controversial, get the audience to think. Well, you don’t have to tell me twice. I crafted two specific presentations, asked the tough questions and tried to be provocative.

But in the end, it turns out that audiences at conferences want to be entertained and not challenged. They want sugar, not spice. Unless spice comes with the exact recipe. Which of course is impossible to deliver. I’m a speaker, not a consultant. I’m there to share my experiences, provide ideas for change, but I can’t tell you how to go back to your office and fix what’s wrong.

Let’s just say that my next speech will have more sugar than spice. Still engaging and relevant (I hope) but less controversial. Truth it seems is a great concept but not so much IRL (in real life).